
Showing posts from March, 2010

On the 9th-the 22nd with degree in waiting

1) Its a big wish of 22nd of Muhammad Afiq Aziz. Really. 2) All are wishing, through facebook's wall. (Some did it in advance-"becoming birthday") But the meaning of 22nd would may be understood and appreciated only by the person in the shoes. 3) Cant get any easy with this feeling. My 21st is waving away in few minutes. The year which i have learned a lot and i feel it still never wake me up from what I'm up to. 4) 22 y.o old with my undone intermediate. Its a hard course believe me. 5) Some said i have done too much of unnecessary things. Some said these 'unnecessary' was extremely great ever achievement, only few experience it. Tend to agree. Yeah.. was weird. Para-normal. So could i get a normal life where a 22 y.o budak should be having the second year (at least) in degree? 6) How could i just start appreciate education (in college or university per see) only after my great 21st/22nd? Without this (edu), should be a clear message of failure in life. Respe...

it's revision......

Salam. 1)I know i owe some of you my story in Langkawi, last CNY's holiday. I am, genuinely sorry i cant make it in time. 2) What would i say? It is already March. This first week (today) is my final Mock Exam for Intermediate. The real one is in May. Starts on 11th of May(what a great date!). 3) Yeah this two months, March and April will cut my self into two,three or may be ten. Either i get through or...i dont know..Only God knows what will happen if my real exam's result doesn't go with me. (This early i giving up?God defenitely will hate me, that's His promise) 4) 2weeks of each subjects. Starts with Common Law Reasoning and Institution, Elements of The Law of Contract, followed by Criminal Law and finally Public Law. Two Workshops on Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 am - 3.00 pm (Friday again?) And guess what? Hahaha two more classes, is on Saturday (2pm-8.30pm) Sunday (10am-5pm) well, at least i still can go work out on Saturday morning and refresh myself at Fitne...