
Showing posts from 2014

G7 [Politik]

1. Alhamdulillah. UMNO Bahagian Ampang bersama pergerakan pemuda, wanita dan puteri sudah selesai melaksanakan Persidangan Perwakilan Tahunannya bagi Tahun 2014. Ia adalah persidangan kali ke-11 semenjak UMNO Bahagian Ampang ditubuhkan. 2. Di dalam perhimpunan ini, perasminya iaitu Datuk Seri Shafie Hj Apdal, Naib Presiden UMNO berkali-kali menekankan mengenai kesungguhan dan komitmen ahli UMNO terhadap masyarakat Melayu. Beliau berkali-kali memesan dengan bahasa kiasnya, bahawa ahli UMNO terlalu mementingkan pertandingan di dalam parti (contohnya G7) sehingga terlupa tiada guna menang di dalam parti andai parti tidak punyai kuasa politik. 3. G7 adalah kumpulan perwakilan yang dipilih melalui mesyuarat UMNO peringkat Bahagian untuk mewakili bahagian tersebut ke Perhimpunan Agung UMNO (PAU) bagi tahun tersebut. Mereka mengiringi enam pegawai di peringkat Bahagian iaitu Ketua, Timbalan, Naib serta Ketua-ketua Sayap UMNO Bahagian iaitu Wanita, Pemuda dan Puteri. 4. Semasa ucapan pe...

i Quit

My last posting, i addressed my concern on my Futsal retirement.  Quitting something never easy. But you have choice. You always can choose for your self. Since when you can't decide for your self? You always do. Always can. Always deserve. As long as you do not break any law or rule especially from religious aspect.  A friend told me, the famous boxer Mohamed Ali when retired was asked, "What are you doing next?". He replied with sentences which the world may not expected. "When I knocked-out John Fraizer, i did please many people around the world. Maybe the world but actually why did i care? Does Allah cares who was my opponent and what did I do in the ring? Now I am out of the ring. I just want to please Him". The above story told us, you always have choice for your self including to quit anything you choose to. Mohamed Ali quitted his. As long as the choice did not guide you astray. So do I. So do you. And, why you left may not be important but ...


Futsal oh  Futsal, this sport has been sticked to me since 10 years back. But in life we always make decision. Some decision give different level of seriousness to the the future implication. For me in 2014, no more Futsal. Gantung kasut. Absolute hijrah of hobby. Why? Asics Futsal Capero I bought this shoe 3 years back and last time i remember i used this was a year ago. It is like a soft landing of what i would call Futsal Retirement. Since that i was using this Asics Enduro 6 Gel, a jogging shoe. It helps to protect my knee and ankle though the above Capero which cost RM 250.00 was a very good Futsal Shoe. I planned to sell it for RM50. hmm.... Gel Enduro 6 (Jogging shoe) This was my favourite jogging shoe. Cost only RM200 , it is worth to spend. It has been 4 years. Apart form jogs, it has experienced up and down Tabur Hill. I al so used it when i am in Fitness First last time. This one helped me a lot. 2013 year it became my Futsal shoe since i think...