
Showing posts from February, 2014

i Quit

My last posting, i addressed my concern on my Futsal retirement.  Quitting something never easy. But you have choice. You always can choose for your self. Since when you can't decide for your self? You always do. Always can. Always deserve. As long as you do not break any law or rule especially from religious aspect.  A friend told me, the famous boxer Mohamed Ali when retired was asked, "What are you doing next?". He replied with sentences which the world may not expected. "When I knocked-out John Fraizer, i did please many people around the world. Maybe the world but actually why did i care? Does Allah cares who was my opponent and what did I do in the ring? Now I am out of the ring. I just want to please Him". The above story told us, you always have choice for your self including to quit anything you choose to. Mohamed Ali quitted his. As long as the choice did not guide you astray. So do I. So do you. And, why you left may not be important but ...