
Showing posts from July, 2020

Tidur peluk kasut

Kawan, Hari ni dah 12 Julai. Maksudnya dah 10 hari aku mula berjalan kaki jarak jauh. Malang sikit. Selasa lepas, sebaik je balik assignment di PICC, nampak ada ruam belakang pinggang. Malam tu minta puan CEO check, disahkan KAYAP. Pergi la hospital malam tu dan masih bekerja pada Rabu, pergi assignment  di Bangunan MITI di KL. Jadi agak tergendalalah plan aku. Sebenarnya hari Isnin, aku ada beli kasut baru.  Kira macam senyap2 tak bagitau sesiapa. Cuma aku tanya lah running partner lama, Zahri. Nak check harga. Ini Nimbus 21, made 2019. Aku memang kena pakai Nimbus so far sebab dia masih offer under pronation punya sistem larian. Last kasut aku Nimbus 16. Macam dalam gambar. Aku lari under pronate lepas injury planta fascitis masa hujung 2014,  yang kemudian berlarutan ke 2015 dan seterusnya.  That particular month, 4 running events without recovery. a) 10km Maksak Run Putrajaya (6/9/2014) then the incoming weeks.... b) 21km Reebok Challenge Putrajaya (yang ni ganti kawan rupanya,kala

Can i reduce 20kg in 6 months?

My friend , dinkuda told me a story on how he managed to "bring down" his sugar level tremendously in a short period of time. The Doctor also shocked and asked him. "How? I don't care how you did this but I want you to cut whatever you took by half" the doctor said. Din argued "Eh, its good isn't it? Why cant i?" The doctor briefly explained "Din, we are not 'dewa-dewi' (angle) that can reduce this kind of things too drastic. There are side affects. We must do it bit by bit" So here am I. A 91.2kg man at the age of 32. When I was 26, means in 2014, six years ago, the heaviest weight I had put on was around 85kg. So I cant tolerate my weight now anymore. But I cant run. And I dont like cycling. My shoes are all kaput, especially for road. For trail, i noticed the insole is not there anymore. Maybe the last tukang jahit forgot to put it back. So I must call him again. If not, I can't go into the trail. July 1st, I decided to acc